Quality Policy Statement

It is the policy of Abacus Systems to provide products and services that always meet and where possible, exceed our business objectives and customer requirements, based on the following precepts;

● The requirements of our customers are collected effectively to ensure that Abacus Systems is capable of achieving customer expectations,
● The requirements of all interested parties are clearly understood so that our products and services can be delivered in a timely and professional manner,
● All processes employed by Abacus Systems to deliver our products and services are determined, resourced appropriately, documented, monitored and measured to ensure conformance to:
○ Customer requirements,
○ Business objectives, and
○ Any applicable industry regulations and legislation,
● All Abacus Systems employees are competent for their area of work through academic achievement, training and experience, where appropriate,
● Effective mechanisms are in place to monitor and measure customer satisfaction so that Abacus Systems achieves its commitment to continual Improvement.

To provide for this policy, Abacus Systems has established a management system in line with the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard. The management system is an integral part of our process management, and the organization is dedicated to its continual improvement by;

● Providing clear focus on priorities by establishing business and quality objectives, which are reviewed periodically through the management review process,
● Making available the necessary resources to ensure that the management system remains effective in achieving business and quality objectives, conforming to the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard,
● Top management’s participation in the monitoring and measurement of the performance of the management system is focused on providing an effective framework for acting on opportunities for continual improvement.

Abacus Systems has implemented an Internal Audit Program to ensure the ongoing suitability, conformity and continual improvement of the management system is assured. The management system has the full support of all interested parties. All operational and support processes are within the scope of the management system. All personnel have been provided with a copy of this document, and it remains available in the Abacus Systems document system for further reference. This policy statement is also published to the company website www.abacus.ie.